Service Update: Library users who have successfully passed the Studio Users’ knowledge quiz can request studio time below. This is a required step for all bookings. Please be advised that our backdrop system is under repair and users are limited to our white studio wall for the timebeing.
The TMU Libraries’ SLC 508 studio is a space for digital content creators to capture content for their creative projects. A full equipment inventory has been provided for your reference.
During your booking window, DME staff are available to guide you through using all of the equipment that you've requested. After your booking, you are welcome to edit your content downtairs in the SLC 308 DME Lab.
Important, read carefuly.
- Your Studio session must respect the Library Code of Conduct and Equipment Lending policies.
- The studio is available for up to 2 hours per group. Your time is your own, so please plan your work session accordingly.
- The booking creator is responsible for the room, including anyone that they let in. Please note that DME staff are not able to sign in group members on your behalf.
- DME staff must check you out from your booking slot before your scheduled time ends. This must take place inside SLC 508. Please budget ten minutes for this, before your time expires. Staff can be called at 416-979-5044 ext. 553524.
- Staff require 2 business days to approve bookings and schedule the appropriate equipment resources. On occasion, bookings may be declined due to calendar conflicts or limited staff availability.
- The room inventory includes ten tables and chairs. Space users must reset the room to its original configuration at the end of their booking.
- SLC 508 users must not bring additional furniture into this space.
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