Seen in self-watering plants, robots, light displays and beyond, the Ardunio microntroller is a popular, beginner-friendly platform for physical computing applications. In this DME workshop, you'll learn to use inputs such as buttons and other sensors to control outputs including as lights, motors, and more. In this begnner session, we'll show you to connect inputs and outputs, as well as how to use basic programming logic to control them in a way relevant to your project goals.
Arduino Programming: Dive into the world of programming as you learn how to write and upload your own code using the Arduino environment.
Basic Electronics: Connect power supplies, LEDs, resistors, servo motors, and jumper cables. Understand the essential interaction between these components, for your future Arduino projects.
Control LEDs and More: Explore the practical applications of Arduino by understanding the logical required to control various components, starting with LEDs.
After this workshop, your exploration of Arduino doesn't end here. Look forward to advancing your skills further by joining our upcoming advanced Arduino workshops and DME (Digital Media Electronics) coding workshops. These opportunities will take your understanding and expertise to new heights.